Wheel of the Year

Celebrating Ostara Spring Equinox: Renewal, Rebirth, Fertility, And Balance

The pagan sabbat Ostara is on March 20, 2022 in the Northern Hemisphere. This sabbat celebrates the Spring Vernal Equinox. On this day there is equal day and night. Then the days will be waxing, growing longer with daylight, until the longest day of the year Midsummer sabbat, the Summer Solstice June 21.

Ostara is named after the Germanic Spring Goddess Ostara or Eostre. She is often depicted as a maiden goddess and associated with the Spring Equinox. Other goddesses to work with on Ostara include Persephone. Freya, Brigid, Blodewedd, Dziewanna, Flora, Beiwe, Artio, Kore, Artemis, Diana, Maia, Lada, and Olwen. Any goddess related to spring renewal, fertility, and the sun are good to connect with on Ostara. The Green Man, Jack in the Green, of the British Isles is also a symbol of the blooming Spring season on Ostara.

Ostara represents the renewal, rebirth, and fertility of the Spring season. The winter snow is melting, flowers are in bloom and warmer, longer days are ahead. The earth is awakening. The day of the equinox also connects to energies of balance and hope.

Rabbits are mating this time of year and are a common animal associated with Ostara for fertility. Eggs, baby birds, honey bees, butterflies, and horses are also connected to this sabbat.

Ostara is a time to reflect on renewal, rebirth, fertility, and balance. It is also a great time for cleansing and purification of your home and self. Weather divination and flower magic can be done, as well as magic for home protection and fertility.

Ostara is also a time to renew your creative process and work on planting seeds of new creative projects.

Some creative ways to celebrate Ostara are:

*Boil eggs and decorate them for your Ostara altar or table. You can explore natural dye or use any paint, markers, or stickers you have. This can be a fun family craft activity as well.

*Explore egg magic. Boil an egg boil and think of your intentions and wishes for the Spring. Once boiled write and/or draw anything to represent your Spring intentions and wishes. You can bury this egg outside symbolically as a planted spring seed, or place on your Ostara altar.

*Paint, draw, craft of write about the Ostara sabbat. Light a candle and allow any images or thoughts that come to you be part of your creative process.

*Write your Spring intentions and wishes on a candle and burn this on Ostara. Colors for Spring are green, yellow, pink, sky blue, and lilac. You can choose any candle this color.

*Collect local wildflowers on a nature walk and press them in a book. Learn about each flower’s meaning and magical associations.

*Create a flowers crown to wear on Ostara.

*Bake hot cross buns with the cross symbolizing the four seasons, directions, elements, and moon phases.

*Create a delicious, celebratory meal for Ostara. Foods associated with Ostara are salads filled with spring greens, eggs, lemons, honey, chocolate, and any local seasonal fruits and vegetables.

*Create a costume or dress up in a way that celebrates the Spring Equinox.

*Journey with a Spring animal such as rabbit, baby birds, horses, butterflies, and honey bees. Create a piece of art and writing that represents this journey.

*Write in your journal reflecting on the aspects of balance, renewal, rebirth, and fertility on Ostara.

May you have a blessed, bright Ostara, Spring Equinox.